An epic, spiritual and contemporary historical-fiction series unlike anything ever written!
David Dupuis’
The Hildegard Prophecies
If you’re interested to learn more, take a moment to download our 61 page prequel, “BEFORE THE FIRST,” that is short, captivating, very informative and to the point.
Deliver Us From Evil
In 1936, a gifted young man is unwittingly hurled to his death off an Italian mountain before his newborn son is secretly whisked away to America by the child's frightened mother. But why? How could the evil ones know this death would start the turning of the first of "The Seven Keys," envisioned eight hundred years before by a German nun named Hildegard. And what are the Keys?
In this thrilling, fast-paced, modern-day historical-fiction tale of good vs evil, fact and fiction seamlessly collide through 20th century church and world events. In a tale reminiscent to "The Thorn Birds," "The Exorcist" and "The DaVInci Code," award-winning author David Dupuis brings readers on a journey of miracles, murder and villainous characters who battle secretive holy men and women of faith.
Through two world wars, the Vatican in Rome, to New York City and small-town Canada, twists and turns abound in this epic series that tries to answer one question - how can one child possibly save the church and the world's march towards Armageddon?
Love and Betrayal
In 1167, a German nun named Hildegard, has seven troubling visions of the end times - in our times.
In 1958, the new pope, John XXIII, begins his pontificate and must decide how to make his church relevant in a rapidly changing and increasingly dangerous world of the 1960s. In this second book of David Dupuis’ epic nine-book historical-fiction series, the ancient battle lines are drawn. Can Popes Paul VI and his successor, John Paul I, save the church and world from political, economic, military and spiritual assassinations?
From a convent in Fatima, Portugal, to a hut in Africa, the halls of the Vatican, office towers in New York City to a small town in Canada, Hildegard’s ancient Keys inevitably turn. Through it all, a mother’s devotion to her child and those who protect them are threatened. With evil lurking in the halls of power, only two things are certain.
Where there is love—there is always betrayal.
September 1978. The popular pope is dead after only thirty-three days in office, thrusting The Seven Keys of Hildegard into disarray. The world mourns as the Catholic church is in turmoil amidst rumours of poisonings and murder. Evil forces rejoice as events disrupt the ensuing papal election and world events.
Amidst this upheaval, miracles abound from a young growing boy, while a charismatic new pope from Poland will rock the very foundations of the communist world. Will Pope John Paul II be next to die? Will the boy, destined for greatness, die also in a world and church full of deception?
As the third millennium approaches, the strength of the Antichrist in a troubled world and the influence of evil in the Catholic church are growing, as predicted by the saintly nun, Hildegard, eight hundred years before. Only two young bishops will stand in Ona’s way of world dominance at the hour of Armageddon.
In this fourth book of David Dupuis' epic nine-book series, fact and fiction collide once again in unprecedented ways. One thing is certain; Hildegard’s prophetic Keys turn, shocking a church and world with many . . . Revelations.
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