Before the First
This short 60-page synopsis/prequel "Before The First" will give reader a taste of this amazing historical-fiction series, “The Seven Keys of Hildegard.”
Deliver Us From Evil
THE THORN BIRDS, THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH, THE EXORCIST meet THE DAVINCI CODE, except this historical-fiction series is half true. In 1167, a German nun, an abbess named Hildegard, has seven troubling visions of the end times, "Keys," to occur in 800 years - in our times. The First Key turns in 1917, when Mary appears to three children in Fatima, Portugal, revealing "The Three Secrets of Fatima." Or was there more? Then, in 1936, a young man is inexplicably hurled to his death off the side of a mountain in Italy, and the newborn he unknowingly fathered is spirited away to American by his terrified mother. But why?
Through two world wars, and from the Vatican in Rome, Italy, to New York City and small-town Canada, two knowing popes, Pius XI and Pius XII, and two unsuspecting future popes, Archbishop Angelo Roncalli and Monsignor Albino Luciani, become entangled in Hildegard's ancient web of events, papal elections and prophecies. This epic tale of secret societies, of good versus evil, miracles and murder, will leave the reader believing in true fate.
In this first book in an eight-book historical-fiction series by award-winning author David Dupuis, this journey will leave you questioning truth and fiction and wanting more. As you finish the last page, this spiritual and captivating roller-coaster will have you ordering the next book in the series. We don't know how it will all end, but one thing is certain - Armageddon is nigh!
“The writing is imaginative, clear and the themes well developed. Vivid imagery adds depth to the narrative. An ambitious, complex and interesting story.”